What You Get With YBY:
Yesterday I helped...
Yesterday I helped Robin get a new paid member..........................................
Today, I will be helping Susan.......................................................................
Tomorrow, I could be helping YOU.............................................................
Everyone NEEDS 3 things to succeed:
- Persistence.......................................................................................................
- A good sponsor and coach...............................................................................
- Ability to connect daily with your team and...................................................
learn and master the correct skills...................................................................
Everyone NEEDS 4 things in a business to
have long-term success:
SAVE Money!.....................................................................................................
Duplication (easy for everyone to do if you do it step by step, day by day)......
Good upfront money (80% commissions!)........................................................
Leveraged income from the efforts of your team..............................................
What we're going to do to MEET these needs:
1. Help you potentially save money in MANY different ways.........................
in Program #1..........................................................................................
2. We will use our skills to place paid members UNDER YOU .....................
in the SAME inexpensive, DUPLICATABLE Program #1*..................
*We cannot guarantee or promise paid signups, however we .................
are very successful at what we do and will do our best to help you....................
3. Introduce you to our Grow Rich group that motivates and ........................
encourages you to reach out and accomplish your dreams every ...........
day in LUCRATIVE Program #2)..........................................................
4. Teach you the EXACT SKILLS "over the shoulder" with 6 and ...............
7 figure earners every day to succeed in the same lucrative .................
Program #2...........................................................................................
This will help you become leaders with the same skills as we..............
have and help you duplicate these same skills to your team! ..../.........
Earn HIGHLY LEVERAGED income from the efforts .......................
of your team in Program #1.................................................................
5. As you go through both programs, we will be here every step .................
of the way to teach you the 5 Critical Skills and the mindset that ......
you need to succeed online. .................................................................
When you're ready we will also show you 4 additional programs .....
that can be great additional income streams for you and more ............
strategic advantages to potentially increase your income & earnings!
Let me introduce you to Program #1:
Savings Highway Global (SHG)
"Save Money Everywhere You Turn*"
Potential Savings on Gas, Groceries, Car Insurance, Health, Travel etc...
1. Find potential savings for you and your family...........................................
2. Making money STARTS with finding a solution to a problem...................
When you solve a problem (find a way to save money yourself), then
you can reach out and find others who have the SAME PROBLEM ....
and help them FIX it!..............................................................................
3. Help potentially place paid members under you 10 levels down (each .....
level pays strong commissions)..............................................................
4. Each level you place a member under you, still allows you to earn .....//...
100% commissions the first month, and 50% commissions the ..........
following months.....................................................................................
Not ONLY that, but when placing a member under one of your ........
team members, your team member will also earn a "strong" monthly .
commission (that is to say the earnings are not.just spare change and .
are the same earnings on each level). ...................................................
For more specific details see the SHG compensation plan. ..................
DISCLAIMER: This is not a guarantee of savings, earnings, health, or increased ..........
credit score. All results vary............................................................................
See what SHG is all about below:
Find Your Sponsor: HERE
Let me introduce you to Program #2:
Home Business Academy (HBA)
"The Formula To SUCCESS & Lucrative Earnings"
Part I of the Success Strategy is:
2. The HBA Strategy starts with getting inspired by the team each morning
on the GROW RICH Mastermind call. This keeps everyone moving
forward to accomplish their goals daily and motivated to do so!
You can see the Grow Rich Mastermind Call by going here:
Live call starts at 9 pm EST, 8 pm CST, 7 pm MST, 6 pm PST
LIVE: 667-770-1524 Access code: 565762#
REPLAY: 712-432-0990 Access code: 565762#
3. HBA starts at only $25 a month...............................................................
4. HBA pays 80% Commissions!..............................................................
(so you earn $20 on a $25 sale, $100 on.a $125 sale, and $400 .........
on a $500 sale)....................................................................................
5. It has excellent marketing tools and training including weekly..............
LIVE webinars. ..................................................................................
Part II of the Success Strategy is:
6. Daily "Traffic & Conversions" training, with six and seven figure ..
earners who share what I consider to be "thousand dollar tips" all ..
the time. You get two weeks free at the $125 level. ..........................
See for yourself how valuable these.daily trainings are. I personally
spent over 5 years and spent spent thousands of dollars to learn ......
what you will learn daily in here. ......................................................
Not only that but you won't have to take it on yourself to teach and
train your team. If you're sick or on vacation, let HBA be the .........
sponsor for you. This training is duplicatable and super helpful as
you will learn "over the shoulder" from experience marketers .........
and get your questions answered! .....................................................
6. One of the keys to success is for people to keep thier memberships .
month to month. If you stay in this industry for very long, you will
realize that 'retention" rate is the most important part of earning ..
successful monthly commissions. If people get the membership and
then drop it, you will work very hard to get customers only to see
them dissappear a month or two later.
This happened to me for years. I would get up to 50 members but ...
couldn't get any further. Every week, I would work hard to get a ....
few more members but see just as many drop out. This is called...
a "plataeu". It's very difficult to build a good retention rate but .......
the formula is this: ............................................................................
1. An honest company that pays consistently.
2. Inspiration and real relationships that are being built daily.
3. Solid training without forcing people to spend thousands of dollars
to learn the real secrets of eaning successfully.
When you're ready to START,
Begin Below!
See what HBA is all about below:
Find Your Sponsor: HERE
Let's Get Started!
See More About HBA Below:
Or Join Your Sponsor HERE
After you join EMAIL BACK YOUR
TEAM LEADER immediately and let them know
that you got started.
Looking forward to working with you!
Duplicate This Whole Funnel With YOUR LINKS
With a PLS Membership! (See PLS here )
Have Questions? Connect your sponsor
at SailingWithAlbie@gmail.com
Albie Derbyshire
From Albie Derbyshire, Elizabeta Kuzevska, Patrick Hill, Rashone Nicholson,
Eugene Love, Eric Kennedy, Kenny Wilkerson & All of Us at the Online Business Academy.
We look forward to working with you!
Albie Derbyshire
cell: 626-379-5692